Hi friend, welcome to this edition of God Today. My name is Lydia Marrow and I serve at Shake The Nations Ministries, and I want to read to you a scripture found in the book of Proverbs. In chapter 10, verse 5, the Bible says, “He who gathers in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps in harvest, is a son who brings shame.” You know, friend, I love revival. I love it when God pours out His Spirit. I love it when the Church is set on fire again. I love it when He heals the sick and he brings times of refreshing to the Church. But I think it’s time for us to remember once again that God has not given us a great suggestion, but He has given us a Great Commission. The Bible says in Matthew 28:19-20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations. Baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. And teach them to observe all I have commanded you. And I am with you always, even until the end of the age.
You know, it’s true that we’ve got to have revival, and we must have times of refreshing. But the Church cannot afford to have just another “bless me” movement, where all we are doing is ministering to the saints. We cannot afford to sleep through the Harvest. Friend, these are the last, of the last days. The clock is ticking; we are heading toward eternity and the truth of the matter is this: People around you, if you don’t begin to reach out with the gospel, people around you are going to go to hell, and it doesn’t have to happen. Don’t sleep through the Harvest right now. It’s awesome to seek revival, but don’t ever let that make you become insular. Make it motivate you to reach out to the lost and hurting around you. Share Jesus in a way you’ve never shared Him before. Step out in faith and I promise you, you’re going to see results.
I’m gonna pray for you right now. God, in the Name of Jesus, we know that in the Book of Acts, you said that you were going to pour out your Spirit on us so that we could be your witnesses. So right now, Father, I ask you to pour out your Spirit on every life watching. That we might be bold witnesses to the truth of Jesus Christ, that we wouldn’t sleep through the harvest, but we would reach this lost world with the message of hope through Jesus Christ. Make us your witnesses, in Jesus’ mighty Name, Amen. We love you, friend. May God richly bless you. We’ll talk to you soon!