The Father Heart Of God

Friday, January 20th, 2023

It's His still small voice that just like looks me in the eye, just like I do with my own children.
Josh Baldwin


Hi, I’m Josh Baldwin with Bethel Music and welcome to God Today. The Father’s heart is so important. And I know in my own life when there are moments when I can let stress and worry come at me and attack me, and it’s filled with a lot of confusion. And one thing I love about the Father is, whenever that happens, just pulling away and finding some time with Him. And it’s His still small voice that just like looks me in the eye, just like I do with my own children.

It’s so important for me to just look them in the eye. And it’s like the quieter I talk to them, the more they’re able to listen, because they calm down and they can hear me. And so I feel like that happens with the Lord. And when I listen to that still small voice, I force myself to just be quiet, and so I feel like that is what He can do for you today.

And let me just pray for you. Lord I just pray now, Lord, that you would just help us to slow down, to find that still small voice that you want to say to us as a Father to His children, to just align us, to keep us back in line with you and your Holy Spirit and Word. And so we just thank you for that. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.