Hello GOD TV audience. My name is Russell Benson and I am the International Director At Christ For All Nations. I just want to share with you today that God is with us. We know that the Bible says He is Emmanuel. He is God with us. When Jesus was talking to the disciples, He told them that He would be leaving, that He would be going away, but that He was going to send another. He was going to send a Helper, a Comforter, an Advocate, a Counsellor. Isn’t that awesome? God has sent us a Helper. He actually said it was better that He go away. It was to their advantage that He leave so that the Holy Spirit would come. Isn’t that wonderful?
God is with us today through the power of the Holy Spirit. He is your Helper. He is my Helper. He’s our Comforter, who is with us always and Jesus said to His disciples, “This Helper is not only going to be with you but He is going to live inside of you.” God lives in us by the Holy Spirit. Realize that today; that God is by your side. He hasn’t left you alone. He hasn’t’ left you without a Comforter. He’s with you, comforting you, using you, loving you and working through you on your behalf.
So I just want to pray for you right now that you sense His presence in your life. Lord, I thank you for every viewer. I pray they would sense the Holy Spirit in their lives, that you are God with them, comforting them, counseling them, helping them and using them to make a mighty difference in Jesus’ name. Amen. God bless you all.