Shifting Your Mood

Thursday, September 7th, 2023

It's not in your own strength that you need to do this, but the Holy Spirit working in you will help you to do things.
Lisa van den Berg


Did you know that you can shift your mood?  And it’s way more than some personal self-help thing where you have to tell yourself and will yourself, “Look, I’m not gonna be this way anymore.”  It’s just beautiful truth in what the word has to say in Philippians 2:13 where Jesus says, you know what? I’m gonna help you. It’s not in your own strength that you need to do this, but the Holy Spirit working in you will help you to do things.

So this morning I went out and did something I’ve been super scared of for years. I went and did cold sales calls for my business. I’ve been scared to do this forever and ever. And that said, I’ve been through this with the Lord for a long time, and just the fear of man, and what if I fall on my face, and what if I don’t know what I’m doing? It’s just all of these things culminating. But God, in His kindness, sees where we’re scared and He sees where things are happening, and He sends us help.

So last week, He sent a mentor my way that just helped me and went out on sales calls with me, and showed me how they partner with the Lord to do this, and so in a way that’s loving and godly and wanting to make friends with people. So this morning I was like, okay, I’ve got my shirt, I’ve got my bags, I’ve got everything ready, but I could still feel that old, you know, knot of anxiety in my stomach. And so I sat down and took a deep breath and I just reminded myself of God’s goodness that it’s not Lisa’s strength that is doing this, but it’s the Holy Spirit in me. I know that I know that I’m doing the business that He’s called me to do, that I’m in the right time and season for what He has. And so of course He’s going to help.

It’s such a beautiful mindset shift where we can change our mood to go, “Of course God’s with me and of course He’s going to help me do what He wants done.”  So as I sat with the Lord, He took this knot of anxiety and He just beautifully unraveled it so that it was replaced by peace instead.

So wherever you have something that’s really causing you anxiety, causing you stress, realize that it’s probably caused because you’re trying to do it in your own strength. And take the truth in Philippians 2:13 and go, “Lord, I’m not gonna do this in my own strength anymore because you are helping me.”

Thank you Lord, that you will help the person watching this to know that you support them and you are with them and you are helping them. And your wisdom is everything and your kindness will show them exactly what to do. Thank you, Lord.