Sounds Of Revival

Saturday, October 7th, 2023

There are sounds and songs that unlock the hand of the Lord, that unlock the presence of the Lord.
Ryan LeStrange


Hi, I’m Ryan LeStrange from Ryan LeStrange Ministries and welcome to God Today. I want to talk to you about the songs and sounds of revival. You know I think it’s impossible to think of revival, personally and corporately, without an atmosphere.  Because an atmosphere shifts something.  When you come into an atmosphere, if you’ve ever come into an atmosphere where people have been fighting and there’s a lot of tension, you immediately feel it.  It’s the emotional climate of a place and every revival has an atmosphere and if you want to create a revival lifestyle, personally, you learn to engage the sounds and songs of revival. You learn to tap into that in your private time.

You establish a place of presence in your home.  You build an atmosphere. This is such a critical thing.  I really believe there is a birthing of prophetic songs, of prophetic sounds coming forth in this hour.  I believe corporately, the Lord is saying this, this has been a word that is resonating and resounding in my spirit, that “the main room is going to become the prayer room.”  And I said, “Lord, what do you mean?”  He said, “In this move that I’m bringing forth in this hour, you’re not just going to have a group of people huddled up in the back room.  We are going to continue to have prayer like that” but He said, “It’s going to invade the main room, the main room is going to become the prayer room.”  I believe the Lord is raising up sounds of worship that have been birthed out of intimacy.  He’s creating entire houses of prayer that intercession invades the worship.  That you don’t know where the worship song ended and the intercession began, because there is a sound if intimacy that God is unfolding and unlocking.

I love this story in 2 Kings 3:15, they’re asking the prophet to prophesy.  And he said this, “Bring me now a minstrel. And it came to pass that when the minstrel played, the hand of the Lord came upon him.”  There are sounds and songs that unlock the hand of the Lord, that unlock the presence of the Lord.  This is a critical part of revival.  In your home, you have to play that worship.  You have to get to the throne, you have to worship God yourself and create that atmosphere. In our corporate gatherings, you have to create that atmosphere.  You see, prophetic sounds are a key part of prophetic identity being restored to the church.  When we move outside of our head and move into the realm of the Spirit we are now tapping into that prophetic place and there are songs and there are sounds that create those atmospheres.  

So, I pray that we would become a people that love the songs of the Lord, the sounds of the Lord, the place of presence.  Amen?  Father, I thank you today for the songs and the sounds of the Lord.  Let us be a people that embraces those prophetic sounds, those prophetic songs.  Let us be a people that long for your heart, Jesus,  that long for your presence.  I pray today for a personal revival and a corporate revival and that the song of the Lord would be on our lips and in our hearts.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.