Greetings, I am John Guido, a missionary working in Ecuador for the past 30 years. Welcome to God Today. It is a pleasure to be speaking to you here during this historic time in Israel. It is really wonderful and amazing to see God’s provision for Israel. I want to talk to you about God’s provision in our lives.
Something that happened to me many years ago, when I was working my way through college. It was a tough time and I was really going before the Lord, more than praying, mulling over all my financial situations, the stress I had. I really sensed an almost audible voice. It was more the voice of an angel than the voice of God. As I was mulling over my needs and the economic stress, I hear the words, “What do you want?” It kind of shocked me out of my prayer. I had to think about it for awhile. When you hear a voice like that, it wasn’t audible, but it was very strong, you don’t want to answer quickly.
I thought about it and as I was thinking about it, I went over and over it and I had to say, “Nothing. Just you Lord.” It was a powerful time in my life. I just heard that voice respond and say, “The Lord is your Shepherd, you shall not want.” So often we are thinking about all the things we want instead of rejoicing in God’s provision and what He has for us. As a missionary that was a very important lesson in my life, because I have seen God provide for me over and over again, miraculously. I believe He wants to provide for many of you who are listening today. Paul said it was something that he learned, even when times were hard, or times were good, to be content no matter what his state was.
In fact, that’s where that scripture comes from. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Often times we quote that out of context. The real context is, no matter if we are going through good times or bad times, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
I pray Christ would give you the grace, the strength to trust Him for provision today. Lay your cares at His feet and walk in trust, in confidence that He is going to give you everything you need. He is your shepherd. You shall not want.