God At Work

Monday, January 1st, 2024

Invite the Holy Spirit to be with you while you're at work. He's going to use you.
Rich Marshall


Hello, my friends at God Today.  I hope you do, like I do every morning, I look forward to receiving my copy of God Today. Usually it’s exactly what I need that day. I pray this one will be that way for you. I was a pastor for years and thought that was really my ministry until I began understanding that what I was doing on Sunday, wasn’t as much ministry as equipping saints to minister. Yeah, that’s right. God, didn’t just plan ministry for Sunday and for the pastor to do it, He wants you, His people out in the workplace, in the school, at home, everywhere in the city, He’s calling forth His ministers.

So I began to change my style of preaching. And did I stop preaching? No, but I started thinking about a wider audience. The audience this time was, your business is your ministry. That little thought that came to me and was filled with prophetic words over my life, speaking that, launched me into a whole new career. And for the last 25 years or more, I’ve been talking to business people about using your business as a ministry place, letting God lead you. Pray about your business. He cares about it. The Bible says there’s an anointing that is good for everything. Everything you do, God will help you. You might say, well, I’m not a preacher. He won’t help me. Oh, He’ll help you with your marketing plan. He’ll help you with your computer. He’ll help with every issue you face. Sometimes you face something at work, there’s no answer in any of the manuals. You don’t know what to do? Ask God. He knows exactly what to do. And He goes with you to your workplace.

I would encourage you to begin to see and to understand and to invite the Holy Spirit to be with you while you’re at work. He’s going to use you. You don’t have to start preaching. Don’t even have to start a Bible study. Just start being Jesus in that place. Look for the opportunities. I know they’re going to come your way. God bless you as you walk out your ministry in the marketplace. This is Rich Marshall at God Today. I bless your day at work.