Good morning, this is your sister, Stacey Payne, with GOD TV. I want to talk about the things that are possible with God, but impossible with man. Many times we wake up and we limit ourselves. We forget how big the God is that we serve. We put Him in a box. We read the scriptures, but we compartmentalize the scriptures. Instead if thinking of them as a great big God, I want you to awaken and begin your day with knowing the God that you serve. He is a God of the impossible.
The scripture says, “With man things are possible. But, with God all things are possible.” Many people are needing miracles. Our God is the same miracle working God. Take Him out of the box. Take Him out of the container. Take Him out of what you think you deserve, or what you don’t deserve. He is a God of mercy, He is a God of grace. He is a God of long-suffering. He is a God of goodness and kindness. He desires to give good things to His children. All you have to do is ask. If you ask, you might receive. If you seek, you may just find. If you knock, the doors may swing wide open for you.
Don’t limit God. Don’t set Him in a box. Don’t contain Him. He is a God of the impossible. With Him all things are possible if you only believe. The mountains will be removed and cast into the sea if you will believe in your heart. Ask for the big things. Ask for the large things. Ask for the impossible tings. Ask for the unbelievable things and you will receive them. In Jesus’ name.