Hey, I’m Kellie Copeland from Kenneth Copeland Ministries, I want to welcome you today to God Today. I want to talk to us today about Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. You know, we all have heard their stories, but this is one that is maybe a little less focused on, but one that God has been opening up my eyes to and showing me the church inside this story of these two sisters and a brother. I mean we all have family, right? We all have to learn to work with each other and to get along and to understand each other. Here are these three. You have the one who is just – Martha. You know, all it says in here (I’m reading in John chapter 12) this is just six days before Passover, so Jesus is about to go to the cross. Jesus is about to change things forever. And Martha it says, “A dinner was served in Jesus’ honor”. Hmm. Wonder whose idea that was? You know it was Martha’s idea! And what does it say? Martha served. Martha is still serving. She still has her focus on the stuff she is doing instead of who she has in her house.
Then you have Lazarus. What does it say? My Bible says, “He ate.” Lazarus, way to go for this dinner, buddy. He’s just eating and at the bottom of my Bible it says, “He’s reclining.” So, Martha is probably super furious with him. Then where did Mary even go? Where is she? “She’s never around when I need help,” Martha says. She comes out with the most precious thing this family has – their family inheritance of this essence of nard, this pure nard. My Bible says that it could have been the family inheritance, it was that valuable. She comes out and she pours it on Jesus’ feet. Think about what she did. She poured out everything that was valuable to their family on the feet of Jesus. She didn’t try to save any, she didn’t try to keep any of it. Her offering was pure and totally poured out.
Then think about what she did. She wiped His feet with her hair. Now, I want to encourage you that your offering that you offer God will stay with you. The fragrance of it will stay with you. As Jesus went on to the cross, that fragrance was on His feet when they nailed His feet to the cross. But, then think about the week that Mary had and the next week. You think that essence and that smell was out of her hair? No. All that time Jesus was in the grave, that smell, that essence stayed with her.
Your offering and your life poured out will carry you through some hard times. What the Lord showed me too, and I’ll wrap this up. You got the cold part of the church, I mean Lazarus, He’s just dead. I mean, yea, he was raised from the dead, but He’s still laying down not doing anything. Martha, she’s got Jesus again in her house and a second time to not be distracted – but she’s still distracted. Mary – hot for Jesus. Pours out her whole life. Let’s make a choice today about which one of those people we’re going to be. We’re going to be a Mary. I’m a Mary, you’re a Mary today.