Welcome to God Today. My name’s Terry Tyson. I’m the founder of “PartneringWithFather.com”. Today we’re going to look at one of my favorite scriptures. We’re going to look at a new way to think about partnering with Father. The scripture is Ephesians 4:6. Which says, “One God and Father of all, above all, by all, and in all.” Today we’ll look at that first phrase, that our Father is above.
All of us, as we cut our teeth in Christianity, were taught from a young age, to pray from here to our Father in Heaven. He is our Father in Heaven. But, I was challenged a few years ago by the verse in Ephesians 2:6, that Father raised me up and seated me next to Him in Christ. And I realized that is a whole other dimension besides relating to Him as our Father in Heaven. And so I began to pray from sitting up there. Believe it or not, like a little child, I believed I could get into Jesus’ lap and pray there – sure enough my prayers became very real.
There’s this place of sitting in Christ, next to the Father, to grow up and become a son or daughter who sits next to the Father and you learn to partner with Him from there. So let me pray and let us step into that dimension. Father, I thank you that you’ve raised each one of us up in Christ. That you’ve set us next to you as a son or a daughter of your right hand. I ask that you would let us go there in prayer and learn this Father/daughter, Father/son partnership that you want us to develop in as a child of your right hand. Raise us up to partner with you from Heaven to Earth. Amen.