Hi, I am Ana Werner with Ana Werner Ministries. I want to welcome you to God Today. I want to encourage you this morning that sometimes what in the natural feels like a closed door, might not be a closed door in spirit. God might be actually pushing that door open.
If you are contending for a miracle, this morning I just want to encourage you. I have a story I want to share. Recently, my husband and I felt like God told us, “It is time to go buy a house.” We looked at all kinds of different houses. We found one we loved. We felt, when we walked through it, this is the house the Lord is giving us. We had peace on it. It is a house that needs tons of renovations. We went from bank, to bank, to bank. No bank wanted to sign on with this project. They would look at it and said, “No way.” We went to every single bank in our town. Every bank said, “No.” We went to one last bank and said, “This is our hope. This is our last hope.” We had all these words from God. “You are going to get this house.” We had all these prophetic people come through and say, “You are going to get this house.” Every door kept shutting in the natural.
The last bank called us, and I remember I was on my way to pick up my daughter from school. The last bank called and they said, “No.” My husband called me and said, “They said ‘no’, but it just doesn’t feel like a closed door to me. I said, “Me neither. Honey, let’s pray it in.” There I was driving to get my daughter and I felt so discouraged at that moment. I heard God say to me this – I want to share this with you if you’re watching now – He said, “I am the God of the last-minute miracle. You have done your part, Ana, now watch what I am going to do.”
There is a scripture we read in the Bible a lot, about Moses and the Israelites and when they get out of slavery, right? We hear about the parting of the Red Sea in Exodus. I want to remind you of this story today. Remember, as Moses stood with the Israelites and they are right there on the shoreline to the Red Sea. They can’t go back because the Egyptians are coming, Pharaoh’s Egyptians are coming behind them. And they can’t go forward. They are standing there. At that moment, the Israelites start freaking out, right? They get fear, they say, “Why don’t we go back? It was better before.” Isn’t that true? When we are in the heat of the battle, everything looks like it is a closed door, isn’t that what you feel? Fear comes over you, discouragement, “let’s not keep going”, right?
Moses turns to them, it says in Exodus 14:13, he says to them, “Do not fear.” With that then, he puts out his arm, it says he takes his staff and he stretches it over the Red Sea. The Red Sea then parts. Wow, God does a last-minute miracle for them.
Do you believe that today? Whatever you are standing on and contending for, where it feels like an absolute shut, closed door, I want to encourage you. I feel like God says, “I haven’t shut that door.” Keep standing on what you know. What has God shown you on this promise? Keep standing on it and stand in your faith. I am going to pray for you right now. Jesus, I pray, God, that you would encourage us all. Father, all of us that are struggling right now to stand in faith, Lord, I pray just for the impartation of faith, strength, and encouragement to rise up in this hour. God, would you do it? Lord, we have done everything we can for our miracle. I declare you are a God of the last-minute miracle and our breakthrough is coming. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.