Hi, my name is Justin Evans and I’m part of the GOD TV team. Welcome to God Today. Today I just wanted to talk with you about some promises in the word of God, and these are Old Testament promises. And, the scripture in the New Testament tells us that we have better promises than these. So we don’t just have these, we have better promises than these, amen?!
I wanted to turn with you to Psalm 103 today and just impart something that I’ve received over the years, from these verses. We’re going to look at, verses one through eight. All right, let’s go ahead and read that. And it says in the New King James version, “Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget, not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. The LORD executes righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed. He made known his ways to Moses, and His acts to the children of Israel. The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in mercy.” Amen.
That’s a great passage for us and a great passage to apply to us. And as we said, this is Old Testament, so these promises are ours, but even greater than these are. Amen. So, let’s just take a look at those and walk through it little by little. To bless the Lord, right? We’re just acknowledging Him as Lord. We are bowing the knee, so to speak, before Him and letting Him be Lord. And so, we bless the Lord with our soul, our mind, will, and emotions, as well as our spirits and bodies. But he says in verse two, “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.” God has benefits for us., Amen? And just like you would go to an employer and want to know about the benefits package, I’m sure there are people that want to come to Christ, but what’s the benefit? What are the benefits that are listed out for me? And you could always point them to this and tell them there’s even more than that. But it specifies those benefits even further in verse three, it says, “Who forgives all your (and my) iniquities,” those things that we just can’t seem to stop, it seems like, right? He forgives all those things. Yes, He forgives our sins, He forgives our trespasses, but it says specifically here, iniquities in this. He forgives all of our iniquities and He heals all of our diseases.
Those things that we may have had for years, kind of like the lady that had the issue of blood, right? She was 12 years into it and couldn’t get help from the doctors, but everything that she did and spent money on made her grow worse. And so when she heard about Jesus and everything that He had done for people in healing, miracles, signs, and wonders, she put faith in what she had heard, and it came out of her mouth, not just once, but many times, “If I can only touch the hem of his garment, I will be healed.” And she did that. She went forth, and she wasn’t even supposed to in that culture, she wasn’t supposed to be out of her house. She was supposed to be bound up, in her house, because she was considered unclean. But she went forth with that confidence from the word of God that Jesus would heal her. So when she touched the hem of His garment, she got healed. And praise God for that example because you and I, as we put faith in the word of God, we can go forth and we can just touch those things in the Spirit and say, “Lord, I believe it, and I receive it, in Jesus’ Name and it’s mine.”
And so we have that. “He redeems our life from destruction. He crowns us with loving kindness and tender mercies. He satisfies our mouth with good things so that our youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” Whenever we put faith in the word of God and we start speaking it out, He’ll renew our strength. He will renew, as it says here, our youth even, and give us all those things that we need. He satisfies our mouths with good things, so that our youth is renewed like the eagle’s. Amen.
And then it says, “The LORD executes righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed.” Praise God for that. All right, if you’re oppressed today, God executes righteousness and justice for you. “He made known His ways to Moses and His acts to the children of Israel. ” You know, we have not just the word, but we get to know His ways. That’s how we know who He is and what His character is. And then it says, “The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in mercy.”
And so Father, we just thank you for these things. We thank you for the promises of your word, the benefits that we receive of your word. And we thank you that these are great benefits in and of themselves. And we acknowledge you in that. And we thank you for them. We receive them in our lives today. And we thank you that your scripture says even further that in the New Testament, that greater than these promises are available to us. And so we thank you for those. We thank you for revelation knowledge of those as we read the word, and we thank you that we receive all that you have for us: the healing, the deliverance, the strength, everything you need for us today. And we give you praise and glory and honor for it in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen? Amen! Well, be blessed.