Hi, my name is Sarah Crockett and I’m part of the GOD TV team, and I want to welcome you to God Today. Today, I want to read to you out of Isaiah 43:18-19. I’m going to be reading in the NIV, and I want to release this truth over you. God has really been speaking to me in the last year through this verse, and I’m just going to unpack it as we read it. So Isaiah 43:18, it says this verse 18, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” And it is a new season, and it’s inviting us here to forget the former things and not dwell on the past. And it doesn’t mean that they don’t matter. It just means that when, it’s like driving a car, if we drove a car looking backwards, we’d crash. And so, our past got us to where we are, whatever that is, but there’s an invitation here to forget the former things and not dwell on the past. And so, I just release that over you. And then verse 19, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”
God is doing a new thing and He’s doing a new thing for you. The word of God is living and active. And so I want to encourage you as in your time with the Lord is take time and be like, “What is the new thing You’re doing in my life? What is the new thing that You’re doing in this season for me?” And just ask Him. He wants to encounter you. Then it says, “Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” And that’s where you can come in and say, it’s springing the truth, the word of God says it’s springing up. And so ask the Holy Spirit to show you like in the natural, “Where is that popping up? The new thing that You’re doing, where’s that popping up in my life?” And you can just ask Him and He’ll speak to you.
Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great unsearchable things.” And so you can call out and say, “Where’s the new thing springing up in my life, Lord?” In the New Testament, Matthew 7:7 says, “Ask, and you will receive.” That’s a promise. If you ask, you will receive. God’s not a man that He would lie, and so we can ask Him and He’ll, He’ll speak to us. We just have to take the time to listen. And the last part, I want to pray this part over you. It says, “I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” And for those of you who have felt like you’re in the desert or in a wasteland, and I know the world has been very interesting in the last year or so, is that He is making a way, He is the way. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. And He, it says that He can also make streams in the wasteland that does not make sense; that’s supernatural.
And I want to pray into that for you today. Holy spirit, I just asked that You would make streams in the desert that is radically supernatural. And so I just declare that where it’s been dry and it’s been desert-y in people’s lives that You would just release life, refreshing rejuvenation of Your presence and Your power in their lives and working on their behalf in Jesus’ Name, and that You would make, what does it say? So good, streams in the wasteland, like where it feels like there’s nothing like, think about wasteland, that’s gross. It reminds me of some of those sci-fi movies where you see all the wasteland, but the Holy Spirit, think about it: God made a way for the Israelites through the sea. And so you might feel like you’re having a Red Sea moment. He can make a way. And so Holy Spirit, we just ask that You would break through on the, I just ask the Holy Spirit of breakthrough on your behalf today in Jesus’ Name, breakthrough in finances, breakthrough in relationships, breakthrough in careers and jobs and families, and in marriages, for those of you trying to have children and we just say breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough, and we just declare that the breakthrough is breaking through in Jesus’ Name, Amen.