Your Real Life Is In Christ

Tuesday, April 11th, 2023

Look to the realities of heaven, and from that place, God is going to give you insight.
Lauren Koch


I want read to you today from Colossians 3, “Since you have been raised to a new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven where Christ sits at the place of honor, at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. For you died to this life and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. And when Christ who is your life is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all His glory.”

Wow! Your real life is the life hidden in Christ. If you’re feeling weary, if you’re feeling weary from all the daily things that you’re doing, from your commute to working back and maybe the relationships with your family that you have, I just want to remind you, set your eternal perspective and turn it on. Look to the realities of heaven, and from that place, God is going to give you insight. He’s going to fill you with His presence and help you really remember what matters the most.

So I just pray right now that your eternal perspective is turned on and turned up. That the people in your life are impacted by the way that you look up to Jesus and not down or around to this world. Amen.