I have a 12 year old daughter, and she has had dry skin behind her ears, like eczema for a long time. And we’ve tried different ways of getting rid of it, different creams and things like that. But then we just started praying for her and we would see a little bit of improvement.
And then last week she comes downstairs in the morning, “Mom, my ears are healed!” And I’m like, “How are your ears healed? What happened? Tell me about it.” She goes, “Well, last night when I was falling asleep, I just prayed for my ears.”
And so I just want to encourage you parents out there, your kids are paying attention when you teach them how to pray. When you teach them the principles of the Kingdom, when you teach them the word of God. They may not appear to be listening at the time, but trust me, they are. God is taking care of them. And I’m so excited that my daughter knows that she can pray for herself, and she’s so encouraged because God answered her.
So I just pray for all of you parents out there who are wondering if your children are hearing you. If you’re wondering if the word of God is getting into their hearts, if taking them to church is working. I declare over your children that when they grow old, they will not turn from the ways that you showed them. In Jesus’ name, Amen.