God’s Help Is Always On Time

Thursday, November 16th, 2023

If we can hold onto the truth that Romans 8:28 is really true and God is doing amazing things that we can't see, that's when real faith gets to be solid and strong in our hearts.
Lisa van den Berg


Romans 8:28 is one of those beautiful verses that we quote a lot as Christians. And in it, God says that He’s working everything together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. The thing that is so revealing in that verse is that God, no matter what we see here on earth, He sees things from His perspective. And no matter how we see something working out, He is always at work doing something absolutely beautiful.

You know, we can look at the life of Jesus and see that example and compare it to our own lives. At the crucifixion on Friday when Jesus was crucified on the cross, imagine what His disciples were going through here. They’d walked with Him and seen the miraculous, heard Him say amazing things for three years. And now there He was on the cross and everything looked like a total defeat. They had to run for their lives. Their master was being persecuted and He died. Everything must have been so full of turmoil. They go to sleep, come Saturday morning, they’re praying about it, going, okay, what’s happening? What do we do? And there was nothing. There seemed to be no answer from God, no answer from Jesus. The things that He said would happen, weren’t happening.

And so in that middle period, they had to sit and they had to hold onto their faith and trust that something was happening just because Jesus said so. Then comes the miraculous Sunday when Jesus rises from the dead and they saw what they believed for on Saturday and what they were confused about on Friday. And it’s exactly the same in our circumstances. If we can hold onto the truth that Romans 8:28 is really true and God is doing amazing things that we can’t see, that’s when real faith gets to be solid and strong in our hearts.

So I want to encourage you today, whatever you’re believing God for, based on His word, you’ve heard Him say, you can take that to the bank. God knows what He’s doing. He’s actively at work behind the scenes in your life, and you will see it happen in your life. Blessings to you as you walk the journey of faith along with the rest of us.